
Find Your Images Online Using Reverse Search image

Search image helps you quickly discover visually similar images from around the web. Upload a photograph from your desktop to get related images used on other websites and different sizes of the same photo almost instantly.

Journalists can use the reverse search option to find the source of a photo or to know the date when a picture was first published on the Internet. 

Photographers can use the ‘search by image’ feature to learn about other websites using their photographs without permission.

How to do Reverse Picture Search for free?

Want to know how to do a Photo lookup? This is very easy to do. The process is not straightforward when using an Android device. You must dig to find a search image function on a mobile device. Therefore, we have made a practical guide for you to skip the hassle and get the right to search.

Image search engines like Reverse picture lookup provides you with different options on how to search for similar images.

  1. Search by image
  2. Search using image URL.
  3. Search by using specific keywords.

This search image in this tool is 100% safe and secure. The photo uploaded to find related results is discarded after the search is complete. 

You do not have to worry about leaking your information or images if you want to search using this image finder tool.

Find Picture using your Android Mobile Phone

If you want to do a visual photo search more than one time for the picture you have on your device, maybe it is best to download a particular application to save time.

However, one of the best visual search engines you can use online is reverse photo search, which finds out the related graphical content using a photo-based query. Here is the way to use it:

  • Go to the official webpage of the app using any browser.
  • Upload the picture saved to the gallery.
  • Enter the photo URL if it is available over the internet.
  • Type the relevant keywords in case you do not have the picture.
  • Tap the Search button and you will get hundreds of related results.

Online Photo Search with visual Lens

Text-based searches were a thing of the old time, nowadays, we are more into visual data, therefore, websites have also provided the facility to browse by pictures. All you need to do is follow these steps to get your hands on this:

  1. Open Internet Explorer or any other browser and go to the official website of the visual engine for photo search.
  2. You can direct your camera on anything and press Search. If you want to analyze specific images, press the photo icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the image you want to search for.
  4. Visual Lens will display a series of best-matching results.

Pros of Searching via Pictures

Visual search image is a feature using which you can check similar pictures and photos from the Internet. It is essential to check your media over the internet so you can get credit from the website. Sometimes people steal your data through several hacking tricks; you can also catch those people if you use a visual photo search.

Below mentioned are three of the facilities offered by the visual image browsing engine:

  • 100% FREE: Our photo search tool is 100% free; you can use it as much as you want.
  • Upload File: You can use this to upload images from your PC or cell phone directly.
  • Top 3 Platforms: It scans through more than one database to find similar results.

Spot Fake stories before sharing them.

Sometimes, to build lasting relationships with other business owners in your niche, you share their stories with your customers. The best relation-building practices involve helping others so others will assist you too.

However, you need to be extra cautious because the stories that you might re-share may not be real.

Find the source of the image.

One of the best ways to improve the look and feel of your web content is to use relevant and convincing images. Include them in your blog to clarify ideas and demonstrate an idea. Whether you found an infographic you would like to add, screenshots, or a chart, use reverse photos to find the source of an image.

Earn Natural Backlinks.

When you discover websites using your images, it is your choice whether to ask them to take down your copyrighted images or not. If you choose the latter, consider this as an opportunity for you to acquire backlinks from them. You have all the privilege to do so because you own the images.


What we have examined today permits you to acknowledge how a reverse search image encourages you to ensure your online standing and fabricate your image with less pressure. Ideally, you will have the option to begin exploiting these viable uses.

Business owners should use visual search image periodically to ensure that people they are doing business with are genuine, even if it is merely for a friendly purpose.


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