
Comparing Discrete ERP System Features

With competition rapidly heating up in virtually every business sector, the pressure is on management to maximize profits and keep operating costs low. That’s not easy, but choosing the best ERP system for a company’s needs is one way to do so. However, that’s not always as simple as it sounds because numerous software solutions are available.

Understanding the Definition of Discrete ERP Software

Before venturing further, understanding the definition of discrete ERP software is crucial. In a nutshell, discrete ERP software is designed specifically for companies that routinely deliver large quantities of finished products manufactured and sold separately from other products. That definition includes products like electronic devices, appliances, furniture, and others. Of course, there are countless other discrete products, so don’t feel the applications won’t meet your needs if they aren’t mentioned here. When comparing discrete ERP systems, companies must consider their needs and compare them to the options included with the software.

Advantages of Discrete ERP Software

Far too many organizations use software solutions focusing on a specific department’s needs rather than integrating information from departments. That’s a significant issue in an increasingly complex business environment that requires instant access to data from all departments. ERP applications provide that level of flexibility, allowing companies to share information among a variety of users without having to request data from a different department. So, why is that important?

  • Productivity Improves. When all departments (and management) have instant access to critical data, the decision-making process is smoother. In addition, the ERP applications provide enhanced communication with external partners, which assists with ordering, fulfillment needs, and payment processing.
  • Quality Control is Enhanced. Customers expect to receive quality products on time. ERP systems allow departments to communicate freely to ensure issues are addressed quickly and effectively. That means customers, whether internal or external, feel their needs are recognized and met promptly.
  • Internal Management Functions Flow Smoothly. All departments, including management, purchasing, inventory control, marketing, and HR work together seamlessly to ensure the company’s needs are met.

Of course, every company has unique needs, so the software must be tailored to meet those needs. That’s why comparing different systems is crucial.

Comparing Features of Discrete ERP Systems

When comparing different ERP system options, look for immediate benefits, but focus on future needs. The business environment is evolving rapidly, and the system selected must be flexible enough to meet future challenges. So, know what your company’s current needs are, but take the time to predict future requirements. Software providers work with clients to explain the pros and cons of specific applications to ensure the best options are selected.

Next, ensure the necessary modules are included. Some of the basic modules are:

  • Human Capital
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Procurement
  • Order Managing
  • Inventory Management
  • Manufacturing
  • Customer Relations
  • Ecommerce

Other modules are generally available to meet specific needs, or the standard ones are customizable. In addition, the quality of the modules varies from one provider to another, which means companies must take time to evaluate the programs offered to ensure their current and future needs are met.

Getting Started

Evaluating and implementing a quality discrete ERP system takes time, which means the sooner the evaluation and selection process starts, the better. Start by determining your company’s needs. If you’re unsure how to proceed, contact a provider for advice. Remember, these systems are rapidly being adopted by companies everywhere, so staying competitive will require using the same types of systems.


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