If you are a pet owner, you will always give your all to ensure that your pet is happy and relaxed during any treatment.
If you are on top of the pet wellness trends, you may come across CBD products that have proved to be quite effective in reducing certain medical conditions.
CBD has become a popular trend not only for humans but for animals as well. However, most people are unaware of the various potential health benefits it has to offer or misunderstand it.
So in this article, we will go through some of the health benefits that your pet can receive. But first, let us understand a bit more CBD.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the many compounds that can be extracted from the marijuana plant. With over 120 different components, CBD is the most prominent element as it offers several health benefits without the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The reason why marijuana is often associated with the feeling of being high is because of THC, the psychoactive component.
Even though some CBD products contain low concentrations of THC, these are considered safe to be used on your pet. Keep in mind that researchers are investigating the extent of this natural remedy. When CBD influences your pet it improves their bodily functions and makes them feel healthier. Learn more about this versatile plant here on leafnation.com
5 Health Benefits When You Give CBD to Pets
Pain Relief
One of the biggest benefits in giving your pet animal CBD is for the pain-killing properties or antiinflammatory properties. CBD is known to help manage and reduce pain in animals as well as humans. The anti-inflammatory effects are due to the influences of CBD with receptors present in your pet.
They interact and engage to fight any kind of inflammation such as arthritis, back pain, bowel disease, MS, and other chronic pain-related conditions. CBD helps lower the inflammation which gives your pet pain relief and reduces other symptoms caused by the health condition
Reduce Anxiety and Stress
Just like humans, pets too can suffer from anxiety, stress, depression, or even some kind of phobia. CBD is known to manage anxiety and stress in humans along with treating other related mental conditions.
Anti-anxiety medication is known to boost serotonin levels in the brain that reduce the feeling of being stressed, CBD might work similarly. Some of the common forms of anxiety that you might notice in your pet are noise anxiety, separation anxiety, and so on.
Reduces Seizures
Another great benefit to give your pet CBD is the anticonvulsant nature of the chemical compound. CBD can reduce seizures, spasms, tremors, etc in dogs and other pets which are usually caused by other underlying conditions. Keep in mind, several studies have shown the effectiveness of CBD to combat epilepsy but there is research pending to clear the use of CBD as an anticonvulsant. While traditional seizure medication for pets is quite effective, CBD can be a great alternative with lesser side effects.
Improve Skin Condition
Your pet’s skin is the largest organ in the body that’s why owners must ensure the skin remains clean and protected at all times. If your pet has a skin condition, you notice certain changes in their behavior such as excessive licking or scratching. Adding CBD to your pet’s diet can improve their skin condition, reduce redness, reduce hair loss, and even rashes. The most common reason for a skin condition is an infection or an allergic reaction. However, CBD alone will not treat the skin condition but it can reduce symptoms and also improve fur texture.
Improves Homeostasis
When CBD enters the body, it attaches itself to the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the body that focuses on maintaining regular bodily functions. When your pet falls sick due to an illness or disease, it directly affects the ECS which interferes with balance, coordination, appetite, and other necessary functions. Pet owners can use CBD as a supplement to promote homeostasis of the body that promotes wellness and the capacity to function to its best ability.
Final Thoughts
These are just some of the benefits your pet can receive from adding CBD to their diet. But why stop there, CBD is known to have many beneficial properties for humans, so why not consider integrating CBD into your wellness routine too.