You can get into credit card debt if you don’t pay the balance in full every month. Many of us also feel that it is out of control. But credit card debt is avoidable. The debt of credit card comes with several risks such as many dollars towards interest, negative credit scores and delayed financial goals, etc. But as long as you develop better spending habits and pay on time every month, you can avoid building a huge wall of credit card debt.
Just follow the given strategies to avoid getting into credit card debt and build good credit scores as well.
Read the Fine Print Carefully
Reading the credit card agreement carefully ensures whether it is the right choice for you or not. Before you get a new credit card, read carefully and understand all the terms and financial charges of a new card to make sure you are making a smart financial move. This will keep you away from higher interest rates and unnecessary financial charges as well. As a result, you can use your card for building good credit scores instead of a wall of debt.
Only Swipe your Card for What You Can Afford
Access to plastic money can allure you to purchase anything you want even if you cannot afford it. Over and unnecessary spending can add up on your card quickly to make it difficult for payment at the end of the month. Make sure to swipe your card for things you can afford. This is the best way to stay within your financial limits and save bucks for important financial goals.
Pay off the Balance in Full Every Month
Paying off your credit card balance in full every month is another best way to stay away from credit card debt. Whenever you skip a monthly payment or make a partial payment, you will be paying many bucks towards interest along with the balance amount. This is the reason, try always to pay the balance in full not only to prevent building debt but to improve your credit scores as well. You can set reminders or direct deposits to never miss a monthly credit card payment.
Avoid Unnecessary Balance Transfer Transactions
Balance transfer from a high-interest card to a new card with lower interest and better payment terms could be a smart move to consolidate and pay off the balance of your different cards. But unnecessary balance transfer transactions can backfire. Since some balance transfer credit card comes with higher interest rates once 0% introductory period ends, it can lead to an increasing balance when you fail to pay within the given timeframe. You can get into more debt instead of eliminating the existing ones. So always read the terms before you perform a transfer from one card to another and make on-time payments.
Budgeting is Always a Great Idea
Planning your monthly expenses helps you keep an eye on where your money goes every month and where you can save some bucks to make payments towards the debt. A budget plan also lays out what exactly you can cut to save for an emergency situation or for a long-term financial goal like buying a new home. A lot of budgeting apps are out there you can use to create a budget plan using your smartphone. Choose the right one and get started with effective budgeting.
Do not Use your Credit Card for Cash Advances
Cash advances seem tempting instead of getting a loan from someone else but it can lead towards credit card debt. Cash advances come with higher financial charges than regular transactions. This can add up quickly to your monthly balance that you may find hard to pay off. Don’t use your credit card for cash advances to avoid building debt.
Limit the Number of Credit Cards
Multiple cards mean hassle to manage multiple payments at the end of the month. Not only this, but you may also need to pay higher interest rates when you fail to make monthly payments in full. So limit the number of credit cards you use not only to prevent debt but to improve credit scores also. However, getting a new credit card could be a good idea if you can handle the card responsibly.