People of diverse ages, gender, and background love watching TV shows. The trend of binge-watching has especially become extremely popular, especially after the advent of diverse online streaming platforms. Ken Julian mentions that after a long day at work or dealing with personal issues, when one watches a show that is fun-filled or exciting, they feel genuinely relaxed and calm. No matter what happens in life, they feel that at least for those 30 minutes, everything is going to be okay. Today binge watching has become an acceptable and fast-growing practice, where people end up watching almost a whole season of a TV show at once.
For most viewers, the system of binge watching provides them from a much needed mental and emotional escape from the everyday grind. Ken Julian says that entertainment, in general, has always been a great way to escape from the stress and strains of life, and binge watching on TV shows is no exception. Binge watching can produce a continuous stream of dopamine in the brains, giving a person a natural reward of pleasure that helps in reinforcing continued engagement in the activity. Roman Reigns Biography
Ken Julian points out that there are many factors that make watching TV shows, or even binge watching them, can be a good move. Here are some of them:
- According to research, people watching TV shows tend to have more empathy. As per research studies, people watching dramas have scored greater on a test that measures social intelligence and empathy, than many others.
- People watching TV shows tend to have always something to talk about. Just a simple one hour of episode can ultimately end up spawning a half a dozen conversations. Moreover, many of these conversations tend to take a meaningful turn, and subsequently lead to a discussion that might have never happened in any other situation.
- Individuals habituated to watching TV shows are mostly open to new ideas and perspectives. Such shows can help in challenging the thinking of the viewers by exposing them to new ideas and ideals. Many shows can in fact help to humanize people who may hold unpopular perspectives. On the flip side, TV shows can provide people with a chance to insert themselves into the shows of some character on screen who might be exposing them to dangerous circumstances, and enjoy a certain level of thrill and intense feeling from it. This mostly happens while watching crime thrillers or horror shows.
- A good number of people who love TV shows end up being compulsive storyteller themselves. TV dramas in general provide incredible opportunities for storytelling as they usually run for numerous episodes that allow the writers to give a chance to develop robust characters the audience grows to love.
Lovers of TV shows host the best watch patients. A good TV drama gives the viewers loads of opportunities to have friends over, and subsequently mix their real life with a fun bit of fiction.