A wallet for a man is like a handbag for a woman. Just like women carry their handbags everywhere with them, men always have their wallets on them. Some of their most important possessions like family pictures, credit cards and identification are entrusted to their wallets.
That’s why every man must have a well-designed and quality wallet that is both practical and reflects his natural style.
Wives, if you are on the lookout for the perfect wallet for your husband, keep reading.
Material Quality
Material quality is one of the most important factors to be considered while choosing a wallet. Wallets constructed from poor quality materials are susceptible to wear and tear easily and won’t last for a long time.
While choosing a wallet, make sure you inspect its material.
- Check for solid stitches which don’t come loose easily. Avoid purchasing wallets with flimsy stitches and loose ends.
- Inspect the thickness of the material by feeling it with your fingers. Watch out for flimsy linings and thinly cut edges.
Some of the commonly used materials for wallets include leather, fabric, flax sheet, Tyvek and other synthetic materials.
Undoubtedly, leather is one of the best materials for wallets owing to its characteristics like durability and elegance.
It does not rip, tear or wear out easily and can easily last you for many years. The low weight of leather also makes it ideal for wallets as they can be carried around easily.
Some of the best quality leather wallets are available with the Engravers Guild Of London. They also have wallets made from full-grain leather which is one of the most durable kinds of leather.
The best part is they also offer personalised wallets, which make amazing gifts for husbands. What is better than gifting your husband a fine, handcrafted leather wallet with his initials on it?
Number of Compartments
It is always better to pick classic, simple wallets which don’t have too many compartments or other unnecessary features.
Unless your husband specifically required a lot of compartments for his work or travelling needs, a compact and neat wallet is the way to go.
Take into consideration the things which need to be kept in the wallet like photos, credit cards, and identification cards and decide the compartment number accordingly.
You can opt for the classic bi-fold leather wallets or trifold leather wallets if extra space is required.
The wallet you choose for your husband should fulfil his lifestyle requirements.
For example, if your husband is someone who constantly uses his wallet for different errands and purposes, he will require one which is durable and sturdy.
A wallet is an important travelling essential. Portable and lightweight wallets are ideal for husbands who travel a lot.
You should also make sure the wallet has the proper compartments for travel documents like boarding passes, passports and other identification.
Personal Taste
While other factors are important, your husband’s taste is important as well.
Consider which colours your husband likes and his size preferences. If he likes minimalistic styles, go for a simple and sleek wallet without any extravagant designs or features.
For husbands who like their wallets to be a bit extravagant, you can consider investing in luxury or personalised wallets.
RFID Blocking Technology
If you want to go the extra mile and help safeguard your husband’s wallet, consider investing in an RFID wallet.
RFID technology utilises electromagnetic enclosure technology to help insulate you from electronic pickpocketing. If your credit card has an embedded RFID chip, pickpockets can scan your card and steal your credit card information.
RFID wallets block the electromagnetic fields and prevent the transfer of information between your card and an RFID scanner.
Investing in an RFID wallet isn’t necessary since these crimes are not common, but it can be an extra precautionary measure.
Take into consideration all the important factors and make sure you purchase the wallet from a trusted and reputable brand. If you are not sure of what your husband likes, ask him about his preferences and weigh them in your purchase decision.