
How Businesses Can Adapt To Use Sustainable Packaging

Big changes can make a significant difference to your business’s sustainability and carbon footprint. But there are smaller changes you and your business can make that will have a big impact too. 

As we have just started a new financial year, why not use this as an opportunity to focus on sustainability? After all, sustainable business practices allow businesses to thrive. Reviewing your business practices and moving to more eco-friendly practices and processes can reduce your environmental impact as well as keeping your consumers happy. 

If you are unsure where to begin, here are some effective ideas to get you started. Start With Small Changes 

By starting with small, simple measures you can have an almost immediate impact. Consider some options, and ask your employees for eco-friendly ideas that you can implement in the workplace. For example, you could start by reducing paper usage with the goal to be paperless by a set date. You could encourage recycling in the office and canteen areas. Perhaps a lift-sharing or cycle to work incentive could be an option. These simple measures are not costly or complicated to implement and can have a big impact on your carbon footprint. 

Look At Different Packaging Materials

As you start to see the difference some small steps can make you can start to review other areas of your business. One area that can make a substantial difference to sustainability is your packaging. Different types of packaging are of course necessary in almost all businesses, especially those that provide products to other businesses or people’s homes. Sustainable packaging options are a great way to improve sustainability. Polythene is commonly used for packaging and an eco-friendly version, made from recycled materials, is a good place to start. As the leading expert in sustainable packaging solutions, Polythene UK offers a wide range of recycled polythene products to suit your requirements. 

Consider Switching To More Local Sourcing

When it comes to reducing your carbon footprint there are lots of different areas to look at. One of them is to look for suppliers that are more local to you. Whether it’s a raw material, a finished product or even office supplies you might surprise yourself to find you can source them more locally than you currently are. Perhaps there is a wholesaler who can provide a range of products from one place, rather than you ordering from a number of different suppliers. Reducing the number of deliveries, and/ or the distance those deliveries travel reduces the amount your business contributes to vehicle emissions. Taking an approach to more local sourcing benefits the local economy, helps build business relationships and networks and reduces your carbon footprint so it’s beneficial in multiple ways. 

Review Your Transport Options

When reviewing transport options there are a few things to consider. One is to look at route efficiency and planning. Are there ways you could plan or change routes, leave or arrive at different times of day to make the vehicle route as efficient as possible? This would save cost by reducing fuel

use as well as saving on carbon emissions. If you are delivering more locally a hybrid or fully electric vehicle would make a big difference to your business emissions as opposed to petrol or diesel. Another area to consider is packaging use and weight. Alternative packaging options to reduce the space taken up, the weight of the packaging and the green credentials of the packaging supplier can all add up to improve your sustainability practices. 

In Summary

As you can see, there are lots of ways, big and small, you can make positive changes in your business. The benefits are far reaching and will be seen in your Company, by your employees and by your customer.


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