
February’s gardening upkeep tasks

February is a terrific month to spend outside in the garden getting things ready for the growing season because spring is just around the corner. Although though the entire month is going to be bitterly cold, this is still an excellent time of year to venture outside into the garden and get your hands dirty. At this time of year, your garden will still be largely dormant, but towards the end of the month, you might notice some early indications of life. You might even see the first daffodils blooming if the weather is right. Today, we’ll discuss the gardening upkeep duties that must be finished in February.

Cutting back flowering bushes

Exterior roses

It is currently possible to prune for roses and other flowering plants like clematis and buddleias. Reduce the length of the side shoots by a few inches. Try to train the main stems to lie at an angle between 45 degrees and horizontal to ensure that the entire plant has a profusion of blooms. The stems should be trimmed as near to the ground as possible.

Soil composition

organic vegetables

The entire garden will soon go through a growth spike as Spring approaches. Make soil improvements in February to give your plants and shrubs a jump start. The best approach to do that is to sift through biological matter that has totally decomposed. You can use garden compost, manure, bark, or composted green garbage. If you don’t already have a compost bin in your garden, why not get one in February? Compost bins can be built out of pallets or an old plastic wheelie bin, or they can be affordably purchased from nearby garden supply stores. In addition to improving your landscape, it offers a fantastic opportunity to recycle food waste, which is clearly good for the environment as well.

Constructing a water-butt

Installing a water feature in your yard in February is another excellent idea. They are inexpensive to purchase, and the initial outlay will pay for itself through lower water expenses. In February, when the UK typically gets considerable rainfall, you should try to collect as much fresh water as you can in anticipation of the summer, when your garden will need it the most.

Prepare your seeds for spring.

Plant seeds.

To avoid disappointment, February is a wonderful time to purchase seeds for the coming season. Why not be incredibly organised and arrange your seeds according to date so that you can plan your planting for the following year? It pays to be organised when it comes to gardening. 

Diminution of deciduous hedge size

Cutting back a hedge

It is the best month to trim deciduous hedges in February because the birds won’t have finished building their nests by then. This month may see the completion of a large number of core chores that would be much more challenging in the spring and summer. Sharp, hand-held shears should make short work of smaller hedges, but an electric hedge trimmer may make things easier when dealing with larger hedges. When using this type of equipment, you should obviously think about your safety, and we highly recommend donning the appropriate gloves and eye protection. Place the cable over your shoulder to prevent cutting it by accident.

Clean pathways and patios

Patios and walks, which are hard landscape elements, may have been affected by the winter cold. Why not begin planning for spring and summer in these locations in February?  A hose, a stiff broom, and some dishwashing solutions will work just as well as the Jetwash.  Waiting until the summer to decide whether your paving would benefit from a coat of sealer to help shield it from the elements is preferable.

Backyard bird meals

Avian cage

Putting out fat balls and filling bird feeders is an excellent strategy to keep the local bird population going through the winter because there aren’t many insects available at this time of year for them to eat. Due to the fact that the same birds will return in the spring and summer to help with the management of harmful pests and insects, this will also have an indirect positive impact on your garden.

Set up a veggie garden.

Vegetable garden

Vegetable plots have been resurging in gardens recently, even those in inner cities, with many having their very own vegetable patch. The flavours they create will astound you, and you can find great satisfaction in cultivating your own fruits and vegetables. Planning for your vegetable patch is advised to start in February of each year. If you don’t already have one, creating a vegetable patch now will ensure that it is ready for the growing season. Using either new or repurposed railroad sleepers, this is easily performed.

This month is a great time to order the appropriate seeds for your garden and make a detailed strategy for it.

For your plants and bushes, sow bare roots.

Nonetheless, February is the ideal month to plant bare-rooted trees and shrubs. It is best to refrain from doing this if the ground is frozen or wet. Dig a hole that will allow the roots to spread out before planting them, and be sure to water them well afterwards because it’s crucial to keep the roots moist.


February is an exciting month because your garden is about to explode with growth. Yet, in order to fully enjoy this delightful season, you must be prepared. We hope that reading this essay will motivate you to make the most of February by tending to your garden. 


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