Home Improvement

Cleaning For The Elderly? Here’s How to Help Parents Falling Victim to Senile Squalor Syndrome

It’s hard to see our parents’ age. We want to believe that they will always be with us, but the sad reality is that sometimes they pass away long before we expect them to. As their children, it’s important for us to do everything we can to make their remaining years as comfortable and easy as possible. One of the biggest challenges we face as they age is dealing with senile squalor syndrome (SQS). This condition causes our elderly parents to become disorganised and filthy, making it difficult for them – and often embarrassing for us – to live in their own homes. But don’t worry! There are ways we can help our parents avoid SQS and keep their homes clean and comfortable.


Senile squalor syndrome is a condition that affects older adults who begin to neglect their personal hygiene and the cleanliness of their homes. SQS can be caused by many things, including dementia, depression, poor eyesight, or simply the inability to keep up with housework as we age. The good news is that there are ways to help prevent SQS in your parents’ home.


  • Establish a cleaning routine

One of the best ways to prevent SQS is to establish a cleaning routine for your parents. This may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! Start by sitting down with them and making a list of cleaning tasks that need to be done each week. Then, help them create a schedule that breaks these tasks down into manageable daily or weekly chunks. For example, you might set aside 30 minutes each day for dusting and vacuuming, and an hour each week for cleaning the bathroom.

  • Put cleaning supplies within reach

Another way to help your parents avoid SQS is to make sure cleaning supplies are within reach. If they have to search for a dustpan or cleaning cloth every time they need to use them, they’re likely to get discouraged and give up on cleaning altogether. Instead, keep cleaning supplies in a place where they can easily find them. A cabinet near the cleaning supplies is a good option, or you could even invest in a cleaning caddy that can be stored in a closet or pantry.

  • Schedule regular cleaning appointments

If you’re really struggling to help your parents keep their home clean, you might want to consider scheduling regular cleaning appointments with professionals that do cleaning for the elderly. This way, you can relax knowing that their home is being taken care of even when you can’t be there to do it yourself.


There are a few key signs that your parents may be suffering from senile squalor syndrome. If you notice any of the following in their home, it’s important to take action:

– Cluttered or dirty surfaces

– Piles of clothes or newspapers

– Spoiled food in the fridge

– An unpleasant smell

– Insects or rodents

If you notice any of these signs, the first thing you should do is talk to your parents about their feelings on the matter. It’s important to have an open and honest conversation so that you can understand their needs and come up with a cleaning solution that works for everyone involved. In some cases, simply establishing a cleaning routine or putting cleaning supplies within reach can make a world of difference. However, if the situation is more serious, you may need to consider hiring a professional cleaning service or even moving your parents into an assisted living facility.

How to talk to your parents about their feelings on SQS?

It’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your parents about their feelings on SQS. This can be a difficult conversation to have, but it’s crucial in order to understand their needs and come up with a cleaning solution that works for everyone involved.

When approaching the subject, try to be sensitive and non-judgmental. This is likely a sensitive topic for your parents, and they may be feeling embarrassed or ashamed of their situation. It’s important to let them know that you’re there to help, not to judge.

Once you’ve broached the subject, be prepared to listen. This is your time to really understand your parents’ feelings on the matter. Only by doing this can you come up with a cleaning solution that works for everyone involved.

If you’re having difficulty starting this conversation, consider asking your parents how they feel about their home. This can be an effective way to get them talking about the issue without putting them on the spot.

Resources available to help you and your family through this difficult time:

  • Cleaning Services:

If you’re struggling to keep your parents’ home clean, you might want to consider scheduling regular cleaning appointments with a professional cleaning service that does cleaning for the elderly. This way, you can relax knowing that their home is being taken care of even when you can’t be there to do it yourself.

  • Support Groups:

There are many support groups available to help families dealing with senile squalor syndrome. These groups can provide valuable information and resources, as well as a chance to connect with other families who are going through the same thing.

  • Senior Care Facilities:

If your parents’ home is becoming too difficult to keep clean, you may want to consider moving them into an assisted living facility. These facilities are designed to meet the needs of seniors, and they can provide a safe and clean environment for your parents to live in.

  • Counselling:

If you’re struggling to deal with the situation, you may want to consider meeting with a counsellor or therapist. This can be a helpful way to work through your feelings and get the support you need.

Senile squalor syndrome can be a difficult condition for both you and your parents to deal with. However, there are many resources available to help you get through this tough time. If you notice any of the signs of SQS in your parents’ home, it’s important to talk to them about their feelings on the matter and come up with a cleaning solution that works for everyone involved.


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