In class 7, students learn detailed content about topics they have previously studied in lower classes. They are excited to learn new things and get advanced knowledge, but sometimes, they may feel bored while attending the English lectures. It happens with everyone. You may feel that there is no use in reading these stories and remembering every minute detail about them. However, if you pay attention, the topics in your English course in class 7 are very interesting! By taking interest in the subject, you can surely have fun learning and also score well in your English exam.

There are two books for NCERT class 7 English – Literature reader Honeycomb and the Grammar book.
You will find several stories and poems like The Tiny Teacher, The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom, Mystery of the Talking Fan, and many more in your Literature Reader. In the grammar book, you will find grammar topics like Determiners, Clauses, Modal Auxiliaries, and much more.
These stories and poems are planned and structured in the book by the specialists. It helps you enhance your vocabulary. Having an excellent vocabulary and a good hold on the language is a must for your career. To improve your reading skills and enhance your English, you should read poems and stories. These also help you correct your pronunciation and accent, which can help you in better communication.
The chapters in the Literature reader ‘Honeycomb’ are as follows:
- Three Questions
- A Gift of Chappals
- Gopal and the Hilsa Fish
- The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom
- Quality
- Expert Detectives
- The Invention of Vita – Wonk
- Fire Friend and Foe
- A Bicycle in Good Repair
- The Story of Cricket
You will also come across some compelling poems that include:
- The Squirrel
- The Rebel
- The Shed
- Chivvy
- Trees
- Mystery of the Taking Fan
- Dad and the Cat and the Tree
- Meadow surprises
- Garden Snake
These chapters are structured to help you grasp new words and terms while understanding them very well. You can get the most out of them if you find the hidden meaning behind these stories that have been planned in your curriculum.
We have concluded some tips that you can follow to make studying English interesting and make your classes engaging and full of enthusiasm.
- Go for e-learning videos available on several online platforms. Visual analysis of the concepts helps you understand the topic fast. By watching videos on a chapter or poem, you can relate to it better. This will help you grasp the content proficiently.
- Apart from watching videos as a mode of learning, you can also prepare small skits to present any chapter or poem to the class. This will help you understand the dialogues properly as you will engage with them yourself. The English lecture will become more engaging and helpful for your classmates.
- You can get the NCERT English book class 7 solutions pdf from any online portal. You can solve the questions and get to know the tone of the answers that you should write in your English exam. This practice can help you to score good grades in your exam easily.
- You can read the chapter or the poem that is to be taught in the class beforehand. It will help you understand the poem or story better.
- Ask questions whenever you have a doubt. This will make the class interactive. When you ask your doubts, you get a clear understanding, and it also helps other students to listen to what questions you have asked in the class.
- Group discussions can help you properly understand the chapter or the poem. An interactive group study results in a better understanding of the concept. When you study together in a group, you start to think from a broader perspective and understand the topic from different angles.
CBSE has prepared the English curriculum for class 7 to gain an understanding of the grammar portion as well as the literature portion of the language. You can look for the pattern of the English course, its marking scheme, and its teaching structure on the official site of CBSE.
NCERT English book is ideal for class 7 English because it is designed as per the guidelines of CBSE. You can get the solution of NCERT class 7 English book in the hard copy format or as a pdf file. Many online portals also have quizzes and mock tests available for each chapter and poem. You can practice these quizzes and sample papers to have a proper and deep understanding of each chapter.
You should also practice previous year’s question papers as many questions repeat almost every year. You can get an idea about how you should study and prepare for the exam while enjoying the subject.
If you develop your interest in the subject, there are a lot of things for you to read and learn. This particular language is the most important language that will help you in your future for sure. You must have a good hold on the language from the start. With time and practice, you can become a master of English.
Hence, follow these tips to make your English classes interesting and have fun while learning. These tips will surely benefit you if you follow them regularly. Practice these tips and make them a habit to gain an interest in the language and score well in your class 7 English exam.