CBD is a type of cannabinoid, a chemical found naturally in cannabis plants. The early research shows some promise in CBD oil’s capacity to help in relieving anxiety. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), another cannabinoid type, CBD doesn’t result in any sensations of a “high” or intoxication that people might link with anxiety.
Today, there are several CBD products available online. To know more, you can check out https://skunksoasis.io/. First, however, it is interesting to find out if CBD oil can help relieve anxiety.
The way CBD works
Our body comprises several receptors. These receptors are protein-based chemical structures that attach to cells and get signals from multiple stimuli. For example, CBD interacts with the CB1 and CB2 receptors present in our central nervous system and our peripheral nervous system, respectively.
The precise way in which CDB impacts the CB1 receptors is yet to be understood. It can change the serotonin signals. Serotonin, being a neurotransmitter, has an essential role to play in mental health. People who have low serotonin are the ones who might have depression. There are times when inadequate serotonin can result in anxiety.
Medical research and proof
Today, there have been many studies that highlight the advantages of CBD for anxiety.
- For general anxiety
When it comes to GAD (General Anxiety Disorder), the National Institute on Drug Abuse suggests that CBD has proven to bring down stress in animals, like rats. The subjects that got studied exhibited reduced behavioral anxiety signs. Also, the physiological symptom for anxiety, like maximized heart rate, got improved. Today, there is a need for more research.
- For other types of anxiety
CBD can help people with other types of anxiety, for example, SAD (social anxiety disorder) or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It is also helpful in treating anxiety-induced insomnia. For instance, in 2011, research observed CBDs impact on people suffering from SAD. The participants took 400 mg of CBD. People who took the CBD dose experienced minimized anxiety levels.
Several recent studies highlighted that CBD could assist with PTSD symptoms, for instance, replaying negative memories and having nightmares. These studies considered CBD both as a supplement to conventional treatment such as cognitive behavioral therapy and medication and as a standalone PTSD treatment.
- For neurological disorders
CBD also got studied with regards to several neurological disorders. However, according to 2017 feedback on psychiatric disorders and CBD, there is a lack of ample evidence to consider CBD to the best treatment for depression.
However, the authors did come across evidence that suggests that CBD can help treat anxiety disorders. However, the participants in the study weren’t compared to another group that could have got no or another treatment. According to the review, there is a need for more human tests to know the way CBD works. It will also help find out the ideal dosage and know if there are any potential hazards or side effects.
Another study in 2016 found that CBD can have antipsychotic effects in individuals who have schizophrenia. However, CBD won’t lead to any dangerous side effects with a few antipsychotic drugs.
Hence, according to the research and evidence, one can conclude CBD does work to reduce anxiety.