The upcoming survival games are coming. And it’s coming soon. You’ve been playing the zombie games, you know how hard it is to survive when zombies come out of nowhere and attack your brain with their teeth and hunger for your flesh. It’s best to be prepared and ready before they get here – but maybe not everyone has the time or money for that!
So we’ve got a list of 6 things you can do today that will help prepare you for when zombies come knocking on your door: 1) stock up on food 2) make sure all windows are boarded 3) find shelter 4) hoard weapons 5) learn some basic survival skills 6) plan an escape route if necessary. With these items checked off, you’ll be better equipped for any zombie apocalypse that happens!
Build a shelter
No matter where you end up, whether it’s in your own home or some other safe place, it should be stocked with at least the basics. You need to have plenty of food and water so you can survive for as long as possible while waiting for help to arrive – if there’s any chance of survivors coming soon, that is.
If you have the resources to build a shelter on your property, you’re even better off. This is not only good for protection, but it’s also a great way of keeping out anyone who might be looking to take advantage of you during an attack. You can also use this as your base should you need to make a quick escape!
Stock up on food and water
You should start stockpiling food and water immediately. It’s easy to go overboard with this, since you don’t want any chances of going hungry, but it’s important that you don’t stock up too much in one place at once.
Rotating your supplies is a good idea so they do not expire sooner than necessary – although it might be a good idea to add an air of mystery by keeping the expiry date hidden from view! There are a lot of foods that can keep for a long time, and you can learn about them in this article.
It’s also important that you have non-perishable items available in case you end up having to leave your supplies behind when zombies attack, or if there’s some other reason why you need to go on the run.
These items should include a good amount of water and food that can last even longer without spoiling.
Board up your windows
Zombies tend to break into houses by going through windows while their bodies may be intact but they’ve lost their minds!
You need to prepare for this inevitability by boarding up all windows to make it harder for the zombies to get in. If you have children or pets, it’s a good idea to keep them out of sight while keeping them close at hand too.
Stockpile weapons
Even if you’re not much of a fighter, it’s important that you have weapons should you need to defend yourself against zombies.
Odds are you’ll find a use for them and it’s best to be safe than sorry!
You can even buy some of these online at places like eBay, and while we’d recommend keeping the weapons hidden from children and pets, this is an excellent option if you want to take part in zombie roleplay or simply want to feel more secure when zombies attack.
Learn some basic survival skills
The truth is there’s a good chance that when the zombie apocalypse comes, you’re not going to be able to rely on anyone else for help! It’s important that you learn some basic survival skills so you can take care of yourself – and your family and friends – while waiting for help to arrive. These skills might not be enough to live off the land, but they will at least keep you alive long enough to find a way out!
Plan an escape route
You may choose to stock up on food and supplies and then lock yourself away in your home when zombies attack. This is perfectly reasonable, but it’s also not the only option you have.
You need to plan an escape route in case things go bad – this means knowing somewhere safe to head to while you’re on the run.
If you’re good at planning routes, try making a map up ahead of time so you can make sure you know your way around without getting lost.
The zombie apocalypse may never come, but it’s better to be safe than sorry! It’s a good idea to start making preparations now before you’re caught off guard.
By following these simple guidelines you’ll be able to keep yourself and your family safe when the zombie’s attack. Resources: Zombie Survival Skills
Zombies attack, have to leave behind, have children or pets, are intact but they’ve lost their minds, you’ll find a use for them, odds are you’ll find a use for them, odds are you’ll be able to rely on anyone else for help, family and friends while waiting for help to arrive, better to be safe than sorry, know some basic survival skills, up ahead of time so you can make sure you know your way around without getting lost.
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