Improving the user experience is a sure step towards optimizing the overall experience of a gaming application. People love it when the interface is intuitive and does not have to look for the desired function for a long time. Of course, there are no specific formulas or exact algorithms for creating the perfect UI/UX design. Each game requires a different design approach depending on the genre, atmosphere and setting. The best game design solutions are always custom.
But can you single out some basic nuances that will help provide a cool UI/UX design? Sure! In order not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved and to continue to develop as a successful designer, there are a few key things to keep in mind.
Learn the Basics
Game UI/UX design is not the same as website design or food ordering app design. Game design has its specifics and its established canons in UX/UI design, which are very rarely violated for the sake of a pure experiment, which with a high degree of probability will turn out to be unsuccessful.
The standard guidelines for creating a game interface are the start screens, settings windows, and the placement of key information on the screen during gameplay. Often, data about health points, weapons and skills are located in approximately the same places on the edge of the screen so as not to interfere with the gaming experience. The same goes for inventory, diaries, and various upgrades. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. A too non-standard solution may not be obvious to the players and spoil the impression of the game.
See Others’ Designs
Consciously or not, people combine their artistic vision from the designs that are most attractive to them, once seen somewhere. Therefore, a consistent study of other people’s designs is imperative. However, this is not at all a recommendation to copy. This is a recommendation to draw inspiration and look for interesting stylistic solutions.
There are many options: Pinterest, Behance, Dribbble, ArtStation and other sites where people share their designs. Check out the interfaces for games of the genre you’re interested in. Analyze the relevance of the placement of different elements. Perhaps you can immediately figure out how to do it better or what to fix.
Come up with Imaginary Projects
How to improve design skills if tasks are monotonous? If at this stage you are working with projects in one style, but you want to try something different, do not hesitate to create an imaginary project based on a non-existent game. For example, you have never made interfaces for shooters, and such orders are not expected in the near future. Then do it without specific tasks!
This will not only help you get rid of the routine but also give free rein to your imagination. Without being constrained by a technical assignment, you can implement any ideas. Your skills will be honed and your portfolio will be diversified with new projects.
Also, a great alternative is to optimize or tweak the finished design. Your vision for a famous design can get very interesting to people. Alternative designs for social networks and well-known apps can often be found. And you can make an alternative interface design for a famous game. By posting it on your page, you will get great coverage and valuable comments.
The key to successful UX/UI design for games is the constant improvement of skills and attention to changing trends. New methods of work, new styles, new software – try to use everything to the maximum to achieve the desired result. The design is very fluid. The emergence of new trends is often the result of the most unpredictable events. So keep your finger on the pulse of the latest changes and show the best you can do.