
4 Reasons Your Business Should Reduce Emissions Now

Global warming is no joke, nor a myth. Not anymore. We can see the impacts on a global scale, be it wildfires on almost every continent, to strangely volatile weather patterns. 

The biggest defence we have in the face of such a colossal problem is reducing emissions, and it is the medium to large scale business operations that can have the most significant impact.

So, without further ado, here are 4 reasons why your business should reduce emissions.

The Obvious One; Save The Planet

And that isn’t an understatement either. COP26 is being held to ponder this very question; how do we save the planet and slow our global warming rate?

By actively choosing to reduce your business’s emissions any way that you can, you are actively choosing to do all that you can to save the planet. No one person can do it alone, but if enough people make that decision, we can avert disaster.

Save Capital For Reinvestment

The second most obvious reason you should reduce your business emissions is that it will, overall, lead to saving money. Reducing emissions means that you will most likely be using energy more efficiently.

More efficient use of energy will mean that you will use less energy overall, and this will be reflected in your utility bills at the end of the month.

You can use these savings to re-invest in your business where your business needs it the most. 

Lead By Example

Reducing your emissions can also play a role in setting an example for your competitors, or fellow business owners, to do the same. Reducing emissions is a great public relations feat that can garner positive attention from the public.

This can improve the reputation your company already has and can even help with forging a new brand identity that finds synergy with more people. 

Everybody wants to save the environment, and if your business is leading the way, this sets a powerful precedent for those around you and the public eye.

Future Proof Your Business Model

By opting to voluntarily reduce your business emissions now, you will most likely be dodging compliance legislation that will force businesses to cooperate in the future.

The political landscape is slowly evolving to consider global warming as an issue that demands a great amount of attention. It won’t be long before policies surrounding enforcing climate change begin forming a significant part of government legislation.

Making the choice to go as green as possible before this happens will give you more control over the planning, the process, and the implementation of greener alternatives before it becomes mandatory.

Countries like Sweden have already had climate laws in place since 2017.

What You Can Do About It

So, what can you do? There are a range of things that you can do, but the most effective way to enact change immediately is replacing old heating technology – which tends to be hilariously inefficient.

Star Renewables is a great place to start when looking at alternative energy and heating applications. 

Get ahead of the curve!


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